Straight from the tree is a series of works made of tree branches, spirit levels and stones. The first 5 works in this series have been created during my Artist-in-Residence time at Lavangsnes Wunderkammer in Norway. Isolated from the world in the middle of the Norwegian fjords, I was inspired between the balance of culture and nature. The way people have been living and working against, but also with the natural circumstances is very clear in places like Lavangsnes. That balance lead to these works.
year: 2022
series of works
Straight from the tree #1
year: 2022
material: tree branch, stones, spirit level
sizes: 100 x 25 x 25 cm
Straight from the tree #2
year: 2022
material: tree branch, stones, spirit level
sizes: 80 x 15 x 15 cm

Straight from the tree #3
year: 2022
material: tree branch, stones, spirit level
sizes: 250 x 42 x 32 cm

Straight from the tree #4
year: 2022
material: tree branch, stones, spirit level
sizes: 100 x 15 x 15 cm

Straight from the tree #5
year: 2022
material: tree branch, stones, spirit level
sizes: 180 x 30 x 30 cm